Friday, May 29, 2015

35x35 Receiving blanket and burp cloths

Friday May 29, 2015
Well today I am sharing a baby receiving blanket and burp cloths that fit over the shoulder. The baby receiving blanket is a design from Missouri Star Quilters. I went to U-Tube and watched the video. I first found out about the blanket from my dear friend Karen. It's a unique way of making the blanket. You cut the background at 40 inches and the front at 30 inches and sew together face to face. Then you will have these ears (corners) and you need to watch the video but you draw a line which when sewn you get a miter corners. You turn the blanket inside out and then top stitch the seam to finish it off and that also closes the opening. Its quite simple.. The corner and the way you sew them is the trick to making the miter.. before you cut it remember to look turn the corner inside out and make sure it's correct.  The burp cloth is just a simple pattern and sewn together and turned right side out and top stitch. There is enough material for at least one. I bought little extra so had enough to do two. The back side of the burp cloth is blue like the blanket.  This is for a co worker who is expecting in July.
It measures 35x35

1 comment:

  1. oh Billie
    not only card you can make
    I can not sewing and has no sewing machine
    this is a cuuuuteee gift to your friend
    she must be soo happy to get your handmade...
    love this Billie..
    I just catch up your blog last time I did in the train and look from my Smart Phone hehehe
    now I have a bit time to type on computer and try to make a card
    I have less mojo Billie
    hugs, Monika
